Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about garage door repair? You're not alone. Here are some answers to the questions homeowners in Agoura Hills frequently ask about garage door repair.

What could be the cause of my garage door not opening?

First, don't panic. Check if there's an obvious obstruction or if your remote just needs new batteries. If it's still stuck, give us a shout at Enzo Garage Door Repair—we know what makes these doors tick (or stick.). It could be anything from a broken spring to a misaligned track.Sometimes it’s as simple as re-engaging your door’s emergency release, but please let pros handle the more complex stuff; tinkering with springs can get dangerous real quick.

How often should I have my garage door serviced?

Much like oil changes for your car, regular tune-ups keep your garage door running smoothly. We suggest an annual service call to catch any potential issues early on—think of it as preventative care for one of the largest moving parts in your home.This routine checkup will help you avoid bigger repairs down the road and make sure that everything is safe and sound above your head.

I heard a loud bang in my garage—what happened?

If it sounded like fireworks inside your house, chances are you've got yourself a broken spring situation. Springs bear heavy loads so when they snap—it's loud and clear that they need attention ASAP.Dial our number faster than you'd hit 'next episode' on Netflix because handling springs is risky business without proper tools and training.

The weatherstrip on my garage door looks worn out—is this important?

Absolutely. That little strip does mighty work keeping critters out and energy bills low by sealing up potential gaps around the edge of your door where heat or AC might escape. Plus, who wants leaves—or worse—a surprise visit from Mr. Skunk setting up camp under their shelving units? Not fun.We'll zip over there fast to replace that weatherstripping before unwanted guests arrive or utility costs rise.

Is maintenance different for wood versus metal doors?

Certainly. An old-fashioned wooden beauty needs extra TLC to fight against elements like rain or sun damage. Metal doors are tougher but still need love, especially when they start sounding like a rock band during rehearsals—that's your cue for lubrication time.No matter the material, regular maintenance keeps them at their best and saves you from headaches down the line.